Join a community of successful real estate investors who are

doing deals every day.

The Real Deal Mastermind 

Will Get You There. Faster

The Real Deal Mastermind combines One-On-One Coaching, 

Mentoring, and a Mastermind  creating a real-world tested formula for your success.

Are you ready join the ranks of the successful real estate investors?

 One-On-One Coaching

Schedule weekly coaching with Charles—not some customer support rep reading from a list of FAQs, who has never done a deal. You have weekly accountability check-ins as well as quick access to discuss any deal or obstacle that comes up. 


Our private Facebook group is a mind-hive of support with peer-to-peer mentoring as well as personal interaction with Charles and the Real Deal Mastermind team. If you have a problem, someone in the group has faced it and can give you real-world advice. 


Join us four times a year for an exciting and fun two-day event. Meet other mastermind members in real life, receive advance trainings, and share your experiences with people who really “get” it. This is the perfect place to find Joint Venture partners.

Michael Fitzgerald

This check was the result of 1 of the 24 deals my son and I closed in the last 12 month's, as members of the Real Deal MeetUp Mastermind.

Would You Like To Have True Financial Independence

like Michael Fitzgerald?

(Watch these 2 short videos and decide for yourself if the Real Deal Mastermind is for you.)

"Vernon Bond & Nichole Watson, closed 15 deals in one year as a mastermind students. in the video below we spotlight one of the recent deals they rehabbed. They stand to make over $160,000.

(Watch These 2 Short Videos "And decide for yourself if the Real Deal Meetup Mastermind is for you" )

Yes, these are real success stories from real mastermind students

And that's just a small sample of the many deals our mentoring students are doing!

Are you ready join the ranks of the successful real estate investors?

Michael Fitzgerald
This check was the result of 1 of the 24 deals my son and I closed in the last 12 month's, as members of the Real Deal MeetUp Mastermind.

A Note from the Lab of Charles Blair "The Mad Scientist"

Dear Real Estate Investor,


I’m Charles Blair. I’m known in the investor community as “The Mad Scientist” because I have spent the past twenty years experimenting and testing every aspect of real estate investing. My laboratory? The real world of Maryland, Virginia, and Washington DC. 


I’m not a guru… I’m a Do-Ru. I don’t sit in an ivory tower talking about how real estate used to work. I am out in the field every day with my mastermind members, evaluating deals, helping them negotiate and make offers, advising on the best practices for your real estate business.


I structured the Real Deal Mastermind to give investors—established and new—what they need to succeed. It’s a unique combination of my one-on-one coaching, peer mentoring, and a vibrant community that creates a dynamic “Master Mind” of knowledge, creativity, and yes, fun. 

Bottom Line: The Real Deal Mastermind is your best chance to work with the most brilliant, successful business minds in the MD, DC and VA region, share insider information, and form partnerships and joint ventures that can last a lifetime.

In addition to my one-on-one coaching, you'll have access to mentors like Bill Fell and Valarie Scott, professional investors who are doing deals in their own businesses right now. For each of our quarterly masterminds, I bring in guest experts to show you what is working right now in the real world. 


I and the entire mastermind team believe there is no better avenue for real estate investing success then this program, designed specifically, to help real estate investors, and professionals of all levels achieve and further advance the success they strive for in their real estate business. 


The Real Deal Mastermind is the natural progression of that philosophy.


Zig Ziglar once said. “You will get all you want in life if you help enough other people get what they want.” This is exactly what the Real Deal Mastermind group will do for you and your business: Help you realize more free time, more success, and more wealth. 


The Real Deal Mastermind has four simple goals in mind:

  • To bring the brightest real estate, marketing, and business minds of this new, exciting economy together to share strategies, offer advice, and reveal what’s working (and what’s not working) in your businesses four times each year.
  • To nurture business partnerships and joint ventures between all of us creating a chemistry that increases the level of success and lifestyle of every person involved.
  • To create a support group of entrepreneurs who each intimately understand the struggles, challenges and joys of building a lasting enterprise and one where no one is ever left behind.
  • ​To infuse you with the knowledge and experience you need to confidently run your own business and gain true financial independence.

The Dumbest Guy In The Room

It’s been said over and over again that we become who we associate with the most. That’s why I have always tried my best to spend the bulk of my time with people smarter, more experienced and ultimately more successful than I am. 

In short, I want to always be the dumbest person in the room. 

Here’s a secret: We are all dumb about some things. And we are all very smart about some things. THAT’S the power of a mastermind. We leverage each other’s strengths, experiences, and yes, smarts, to lift us ALL up. 

The Power of Connection 

(The Mind Hive)

And that’s important, because at the end of the day it’s really not WHAT you know. It’s knowing how to find the right person with the right information—and having those people know how to find you.


The real strength of the group comes from its diversity: Wholesalers, rehabbers, landlords, real estate agents and brokers, lawyers (yes we allow a few) and seasoned CEOs are just a smattering of what drives this amazing group.

Every meeting you’ll learn something new that you can apply to your business. And along those lines, you need to know…

No Untested Theories Allowed

I am the Mad Scientist and that means I have tested, measured and tracked every aspect of creating and sustaining a successful real estate investing business. And I’m talking about real world experience, not theory. 

But that’s also where you come in—and other members of the Real Deal Mastermind. 

We are people who are ACTIVELY doing deals, in the real world, every day of the week. 

These are NOT people that just sit around talking about untested theories, but rather, the real people who are in the trenches running multi‐million dollar businesses every single day.

Every Real Deal Mastermind member is REQUIRED to share their victories as well as their (embarrassing) failures in great detail. You have to be willing to share. If this bothers you, please don’t apply. 

It’s truly valuable to learn from our mistakes. It’s even more valuable to learn from someone else’s mistake. 

One great idea executed is worth 1,000 ordinary ones. One mistake avoided can save you thousands. Executing on a single strategy from Real Deal Mastermind can return your entire year’s investment in a moment, and to hear most members tell it, this happened dozens of times during EVERY single meeting.

The opportunities are right in front of you for the taking, so you and your team can carbon copy the success of your peers, and achieve much higher levels of success.

Don’t worry, the Real Deal Mastermind isn’t all work. We also know how to have a good time as you’ll soon see.

But the most important reason why you should 

the Real Deal Mastermind? 

My Students And I Are Closing Deals.



And that’s what it’s all about. Lots of people will tell you HOW. You can attend a weekend seminar, get all fired up, wake up Monday morning and not know where to start. Time and money out the door.

What makes the Real Deal Mastermind different from every other real estate mastermind and training program?

Simple. We're not competitors, We are a true community.

What Being Inside The MasterMind Looks Like...

...As a member of Real Deal MasterMind you get:

  1 Year of 1-on‐1 Coaching with Charles

Get the answers you need when you need them. (Just not when we are sleeping ) No Limits, No Bull, No Strings Attached. You'll have total access to Charles for help analyzing, negotiating, structuring your business and closing your deals.

  FOUR 2-Day Masterminds with Charles (Held four times a year)

And other like-minded, high-performing entrepreneurs. The mastermind sessions are YOUR time to work ON your business and not IN your business. The focus of the group will be to focus you in on the most relevant strategies for growing your real estate business, wholesaling, rehabbing, buy & hold investing, marketing, automation, working with virtual assistants, , while creating systems that allow you to work less and take more time off. Members are encouraged to bring a spouse, partner, or key team member.

  1 YEAR ACCESS to the Mastermind Membership Portal

Get instant access to hundreds of hours of private training videos, audios, tools and resources to help you succeed. You’ll find comprehensive information on wholesaling, rehabbing, marketing, buy and hold investing, marketing, and structuring your business. PLUS you’ll get sample contracts, cold calling scripts, email series—everything you will need in the day-to-day running of your business.

  Charles's Done For You - PODIO - Real Estate Business Set-Up

NEVER LOSE A LEAD AGAIN! Charles has developed the PODIO system that automates your real estate business. How would you like to have your real estate business set-up for you? This comes FREE when you're a member of the Mastermind. My team will set up your Podio (CRM) Database for you, to systematize the process of lead generation, follow-up, deal tracking, marketing and a whole lot more. This truly is a game-changer for your business.

  Done-For-You - Short Sales

Have you been avoiding short sales because they are hard to navigate? Stop leaving money on the table! We brought on one of the foremost expert on short sales in the entire region: Valarie Scott. Valarie and her entire team are at your disposal to help you negotiate short sales. This is included in your membership and can open up a whole new—and lucrative—income stream for you. 

  Access to the Real Deal MasterMind Private Facebook group 

Here you can network with your fellow Mastermind members, get damn near any question answered almost immediately, share your wins. If you’re up against a problem that you’ve never encountered before, odds are excellent that someone in the group will have been through it and can help you. (This one is a member favorite.)

  Weekly Mastermind Accountability sessions

We all know “life can get in the way” and all those things you “meant to do” somehow fall through the cracks. Each week you can call Charles and discuss what’s working and not working in your business. Together you agree on what you’re going to commit to doing in the next 7 days, and we hold you accountable for getting things done. Clearly defining your next steps and setting a time limit for getting them done is like rocket fuel for your business. 

  Specially invited guest experts

Because we’re talking with you daily—through our Facebook group, accountability sessions, coaching sessions—we know what you want and need to learn. In fact, that’s how we choose the guest experts for our Mastermind events. These experts give you specific help on getting more leads, traffic, customers, sales, and attention—the issues we know you want to conquer.

Are you ready for a HOME with like‐minded entrepreneurs, who fully understand what you are going through, and more importantly how to get YOU to the next level.

I won’t lie: Real estate investing can be a minefield.

Now imagine you are walking through that minefield with an experienced guide swinging a bad-ass metal detector.


No matter what you’re dealing with or where you want to go, there will be someone in the group who’s been there.


  • It’s not just training—though we have that.
  • It’s not just community—though we have that.
  • It’s not just coaching or mentoring or tools and resources.


We are here to make sure you succeed. And we have proven success.

Our Success Rate

85% of our last Mastermind cohort had their first deal within 60 days. That other 15%? Everyone works at their own pace, but they closed deals within xx months of joining the Mastermind. We work hard to make sure everyone succeeds. And nothing gives you that extra little boost of confidence like knowing we’re in your corner and seeing other people, just like yourself, succeeding.  


Success Is in the Room

Do You Qualify? 

Unlike other masterminds and trainings, we don’t accept everyone who applies. The truth is, some people aren’t ready for the level of information they will get. Over the years, the Real Deal Mastermind team has found that mindset is more important than experience. Fill out the short application and sit down with Charles to go over where you are in your business and see if this is a good fit for you. 

If You Want One-On-One Coaching With No Strings Attached Then The Real Deal Meetup Mastermind Is For You!

Who Wants More?

Are you ready to embrace the feeling of SUCCESS?

No THEORY here: 

Just real students, doing real deals!

Dennis Hill

Three weeks ago Dennis rehabbed and flipped his first house. 

Making over 35 thousand!

Darrell & Tamika Staton

In their first month as a Real Deal Mastermind member, made 35K, and is currently rehabbing a property that should make them 50K.

Michael Fitzgerald Sr. & Michael Fitzgerald Jr.

This father & son team after 1 year as a real deal mastermind student has rehabbed and flipped, 24 houses.

Malik Jenkins

Mastermind student, Malik, has closed 4 deals to date, and is currently rehabbing a property, that should net him 65K.

James & Hayya McDonald

In the last 6 months as Real Deal Mastermind, students have closed 7 deals, and 2 weeks ago flipped a contract making them 12K.

Chris Anderson

Chris, in 1 year as a Mastermind student, has made over 980 thousand dollars in closed real estate deal.

When The Student Is Ready

The Teacher Will Appear...

And when you're ready to join the Real Deal Meetup More Mastermind, we have the best of the best ready to mentor you...

Charles Blair

Bill Fell

Valarie Scott

If not now WHEN?

With Your Mastermind Membership, You'll Get Your Entire Real Estate Business 

Setup-for-you, FREE... 


The Number 1 Real Estate CRM

FREE when you join the Mastermind.

  • ​Automate Your Real Estate Business. Real Deal Mastermind is all about having MORE time and MORE Money. PODIO is one of our secret weapons.
  • ​Automate Your Lead Capture Process. NEVER lose a lead again!
  • ​Automate Analyzing Properties. Stop chasing the wrong deals. Save time and have confidence in the deals you pursue.
  • ​Automate Making Offers. Create offers that get you the deal… without offering too much!
  • ​Automate Getting Leads From The Internet. Take care of leads while you sleep.
  • ​​Automate text message and email followup. The fortune is in the follow-up and this is where most real estate investors fail. Their loss is your gain. 

When You Join The Mastermind, You'll Get EXCLUSIVE Access To Hundreds Of Hours Of Training Videos, Tools & Resources, in our PRIVATE Mastermind Portal...


Tools & Resources

FREE when you join the Mastermind.

  • ​​Training videos on wholesaling, rehabbing, buy and hold investing, and how to be a transaction engineer. You can access these whenever you need them. 
  • ​Auto analyzing spreadsheets.
  • How to work with virtual assistants. Don’t waste time (and money) trying to find the right VA. We show you how to find and screen VAs who KNOW the real estate investing business.
  • Videos on How to Estimate Repairs. With these videos, you don’t need to be a general contractor. We show you how to estimate your repairs like a pro. No more “oops-didn’t see that coming” mistakes.
  • How to analyze real estate deals. What makes a good deal? YOU DO. Stop jumping at every deal and learn to choose the deals that fit YOUR parameters and make you the most money. 
  • ​​Training on systemizing and automating your real estate business. What good are fancy tools if you don’t know how to use them? We’ll get you up and running, fast and easy.
  • ​​Training videos on wholesaling, rehabbing, buy and hold investing, and how to be a transaction engineer. You can access these whenever you need them. 
  • ​Auto analyzing spreadsheets.
  • How to work with virtual assistants. Don’t waste time (and money) trying to find the right VA. We show you how to find and screen VAs who KNOW the real estate investing business.
  • Videos on How to Estimate Repairs. With these videos, you don’t need to be a general contractor. We show you how to estimate your repairs like a pro. No more “oops-didn’t see that coming” mistakes.
  • How to analyze real estate deals. What makes a good deal? YOU DO. Stop jumping at every deal and learn to choose the deals that fit YOUR parameters and make you the most money. 
  • ​​Training on systemizing and automating your real estate business. What good are fancy tools if you don’t know how to use them? We’ll get you up and running, fast and easy.

 Private Facebook Mastermind Community

Get access to my secret Facebook group, an EXCELLENT place to get deals, and advice from your fellow mastermind members that are already CRUSHING IT in their markets regardless of the competition.

This is a real community of people who have “been there, done that” and who are happy to help each other out. 

Get connected to people who GET IT.

If You Want One-On-One Coaching With No Strings Attached Then The Real Deal Mastermind Is For You!

 Frequently Asked Questions

If I'm working a full-time job will I be able to be successful in the Mastermind?

Yes. Many of our Mastermind members work full time jobs—we have attorneys, teachers, medical professionals, even students who both go to school and hold down a job—people from all walks of life, some still working a full time job. Having financial freedom for many people means that they can continue to work a job that they enjoy and find fulfilling, without the stress and worry of monthly bills or a poorly-funded retirement.

Do you really give me one on one coaching or is it with someone on your team? 

You get me. As I said, I’m a Do-Ru, not a Guru. That means I am actively participating with my mastermind students. Your coaching calls are with me, not some customer service rep sitting in a call center, reading from a script. I also have a network of resources—other investors, real estate trainers, people in every aspect of the investing industry—that I can tap into with just a phone call if you have an out-of-the ordinary issue. 

I’m not in the DC-Maryland-Virginia area. Will I get value from this mastermind?

While most of our members are from the DC-Maryland-Virginia area (DMV), we have mastermind members in over xx states and even one person successfully implementing our teaching in Europe. The real estate practices that we teach and endorse work in just about every market. (We’re not sure anything works in Russia right now!) 

I’m not in the DC-Maryland-Virginia area. Will I get value from this mastermind?

While most of our members are from the DC-Maryland-Virginia area (DMV), we have mastermind members in over xx states and even one person successfully implementing our teaching in Europe. The real estate practices that we teach and endorse work in just about every market. (We’re not sure anything works in Russia right now!) 

The one-on-one coaching component of the Real Deal Mastermind will focus on what is going on in your specific market and show you how to easily apply what you’re learning to your own back yard. PLUS, by networking with other investors from all over the country, you’ll gain new insights and ideas to apply to your market—techniques and strategies your competition may not be aware of—giving you a jump on your local market.

I’m just getting started in real estate investing. Does that disqualify me from joining?

Absolutely not. In fact, I love people new to the business because we can help you get started right, so you’re not wasting time spinning your wheels. Most important to us, we can help you avoid serious, costly mistakes that cause many newcomers to quit before they ever have the chance of achieving their dreams. 

It takes money to make money, Charles. My credit has been hit. If I find a deal, how can I fund it?

As a member of the Real Deal Mastermind, you have access to all our resources, including private money lenders. But we also teach you how to structure transactions to show owners the benefits of seller financing. We show you how to make deals that can qualify for funding in the first place. (Too many people think they have a “great deal” that turns out to be not very great.) Recognizing how to create a fundable deal, how to structure transactions that create win/win scenarios for both the sellers and you, and how to present your deals to lenders—both private and commercial—are all part of the training you get inside the Real Deal Mastermind.

Here's how it works. Click on any of the APPLY NOW buttons,

That gets you an application and a 1-on-1 call with Charles!

Want To See More Deals Being Closed 

By Mastermind Students?

Are you ready for a HOME with like‐minded entrepreneurs, who fully understand what you are going through, and more importantly how to get YOU to the next level.